Today I am sad and a bit disappointed that I missed this rare cosmic appearance during the lunar eclipse on winter solstice. I can't believe how I let this pass. =(
I was on my way home yesterday after work and I noticed how the moon was so beautiful and I even gazed longer as soon as I parked my car at home just admiring the beautiful creation of God. It was so bright that the white snow on the ground, the bare trees, the outdoor Christmas lights and the cool weather makes the sight more festive. So how did I miss this again?
Everyday, I normally check my emails or any random news on the web but for some reason, the entire day yesterday I didn't get the chance to do it which means this is the reason why I did not get the memo about this appearance in the first place (lol).
To top it all, my husband and I normally go to bed late but because we were tired over the past weekend's party that we attended over a friend's house, the tiredness started to kick in so we decided to go to bed early. (See what I mean?)
I woke up around 1:30am and again at around 3:30am to get water but because I didn't know about this, I went straight back to bed. (What a shame =) ) Alarm goes off at 5:05am and I started preparing my husband for work and by the time I sent him off, I even mentioned to him "Look at the moon, so beautiful", still oblivious that just 2 hours ago there's a magical moment that already occured. (Ugh)
And of course it did not end there hahaha, as soon as I headed back to bed, I checked my Facebook news feed on my phone and there it was- comments after comments from those lucky ones that got to see it. I texted my husband right away and told him, "Why does this have to happen everytime when everyone is asleep? Perhaps, God wants it to be on the wee hours of the morning because that's when people are still so we get to appreciate the beauty of His amazing creation????????" Perhaps...............